Friday, January 23, 2009

Vote Thurman In.

This site is not PTC related. Just in honor of a kick ass baseball player back when ballplayers gave a shit about their performance. Nowadays they only play for the money
This site is dedicated to getting Thurman Munson into the baseball hall of fame. For those who don't know Thurman was a kick-ass catcher on the New York Yankees.He learned to fly small airplanes so on off days he could fly home to Canton Ohio to spend time with his family. August 2nd 1979 Thurman crashed and like many people left us much too soon and deserves to be there



  2. Thank you man. Well in Thurmans time there were 2 kick ass catchers Thurman and Carlton Fisk of the Boston Red Sox. Everyone thought that1 was better that the other. Thurman tragic death was the only thing to prevent him from becoming better than Fisk. Fisk simply had a longer playing career. But the best of all time i can remember was Catcher for the Cinncinnati Reds named Johhny Bench. There is a baseball hall of fame in Cooperstown New York U.S.A and every year the enshrine good players from the past. Well Thurman has been gone now alomost 30 years and isSTILL NOT there. Such a shame i mean that Yankee locker room could be chaos and ol Thurman would just stand up and begin looking around the room and one by one players went silent. Thurman was a Leader in all sense of the word. That's what the hall of fame does it honors men like that he was a leader in the locker room,the bus going to the next game and most important,, Thurman Munson was the Yankee leader on the field as they played the game. That's why His nickname from fans,sportswriters and teammates was the Captain. For some unknown reason he is not there and needs to be.
